theory bunny

Friday, February 22, 2008

Going back to school - iTunes University

Excuse my profanity, but this looks sofa-king awesome...


Videos/audio on just about any subject you can think of. One from
Stanford is called "THE FUTURE of THE INTERNET". Another one from
Stanford is called "A new balancing Method for Solving Parametric
Maximum Flow Problems" by Bin Zhang from HP Labs.

There's a whole course called "Historical Jesus".


J Would listen to some of these podcasts...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

iPhone as Trackpad

When I saw someone in a meeting using a wireless mouse on their knee
to drive the laptop 2 feet away from him, I realized that touchscreen
devices with Bluetooth (like my 1 month old iPhone) could likely be
used as an external mouse...

This way you would never have to take your hand off your iPhone.

Know what I mean?

Sent from my iPhone

WeNeither should be a facebook app or it should sell out

I'm tired of not being a Facebook app... it should
either be a facebook app or the owner/developer should sell the site
to someone so the owner can get a bunch of cash and buy a MacBook Air
(the ultimate computer).

Or, he should integrate OpenID. Or, the owner should start a site
called YouToo?

Anyway, just an idea...

Hop Hop Hop... the Theory Bunny hops on...

SMS => $M$

This looks like a promising API to get and send sms messages from a
ruby on rails (or other) app.

You can also set up super easy responses like "Send theorybunny to
41411" and have textmark reply to the user with whatever you want it
to say...

a cooking show like cooking with the pan could do this... you could
send "cookwithpan" to 41411 and get a little recipe back.

Man, these possibilities are endless...

Love sms.

Here's more about the textmarks API:

Hide Tabs in Textmate

I love the simplicity of Textmate, and it beats ass IMHO as the best
texteditor I've seen for developers...

If you want to turn off the suckfest tabs at the top of the window,
here's something you can type in at command line and it will shut off
the tabs:

defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakProjectWindowShowTabBarEnabled false

Welcome to the future...

Welcome to the future or where are we, I'm jotting to my blog right now, maybe I'm in 1964 because I'm just using my voice, here with future Steven Bailey(?), reporting live from Fairy(?) Bunny(?). listen

Powered by Jott

SMS is the command line...

SMS is the command line for the Internet. listen

Powered by Jott

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cookie iPhone

 Use it to view websites, run applications, take photos, play music, send email… and of course, satisfy your sweet tooth.  More than an iPod, more than a mobile phone.  iPhoneCookie – the smartest confection ever created.

Craft Club

Me be wantin' to do stuff. I read a Ready Made magazine and I be
thinkin about how I be wantin to make all their cool stuff - iPhones,
stereo cabinets, custom coasters, blah blah blah.

My problem is that I don't have the supplies and I don't have the
tools and I don't have the time.

I want a club - Craft Club - that is in my neighborhood - where I
could go and build something. They could have a calendar of events
and it could be awesome. Someone should do this so I can satisfy my
need to be doin stuff n' things